Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Later From Europe

PORTLAND, April 23. – The steamship Bohemian, from Liverpool the 10th, and Londonderry 11th, arrived at 6:30 A. M.

Markets – Flour firm and 6d advance. Wheat steady and firm. Provisions dull and unchanged. Corn quiet but steady.

Consols closed Friday at 93 7/8 @ 94 money; U. S. 5’s were quoted at 77@78.

Liverpool April 11. – Bacon has a downward tendency.

American securities steady at unchanged rates Bullion in Bank has increased £37,000. Specie in Bank of France has increased 800,000f in the month.

It is reported that France wished to march against the City of Mexico.

Copenhagen, April 11. – The Angsher Gazette asserts on reliable authority that England has succeeded in drawing Spain to her side in the Mexican question, by a promise not to object should Spain take possession of Hayti.

John C. Heenan has gone to Paris. He does not intend to fight Mace or any one else.

Liverpool, April 12. Breadstuffs – Authorities report flour in good demand6d@1s per barrel dearer, 25@29. Wheat moderate demand at full, prices, red western 10s 2d@11s; southern 11s 4s@11s 6d; white western 11s 9d@12s. – Corn steady, mixed freely offered at 27s 6d@27s 8d. Tallow 27s 9d@28s; white33@34s per 480 barrels. Beef dull and nominally unchanged. Pork slow 60@63s. Bacon quiet and 6s@1s cheaper than last week. Lard quiet but more doing at close. Butter declined 5@10d in the early part of the week.

LONDON MARKETS – Baring Brothers report breadstuffs dull in the early part of the week but firmer at the close.

American securities remain without material change, but transactions during the past week have been limited, there has been some business in the U. S. 5’s at 77.

The schooner W. C. Alexander of Savannah at Palermo was boarded by an armed boat’s crew from the United States corvette Ino, and the master and crew were taken prisoners on the Ino, but subsequently released under representations from the officers of the port.

The subject of fortifications and recent important experiments with 300 pounder Armstrong guns had been further debated in Parliament. Ministers in the House of Lords deprecated hasty action and argued that experiments showed they ought not hastily to depart from the system of fortifications supplanted by floating batteries. It was predicted that Armstrong would soon produce 600-pounders to do the same damage at 2,200 yards which his 300 pounders has done at 2,200 yards.

The Duke of Somerset admitted that the Admiralty was now disposed to proceed at once with Capt. Cole’s cupola and other plans.

The House of Commons debated Italian affairs. Parliament believed that sooner or later the unity of Italy will be [completed] by the possession of Rome.

The difficulties of the Mexican question claim some attention. It was rumored at paris that Watewaski will make a special mission to England on the subject.

(Latest via Queenstown April 13.)

Breadstuffs market generally quiet and steady. Wheat flat. Provisions closed dull.

LONDON, Saturday Evening – Consols closed 93 ¾@93 7/8 for money.

American Stocks – Erie 33@33 1/4; I. C. 43 ½@ 45 discount.

PARIS – Bourse quiet. Rentes closed 70f 90c.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862 p. 3

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