Thursday, September 13, 2012

From Cairo

CAIRO, March 17. – The town in full of rumors from below, but there is little, if any, that can be called reliable.  Mostly all are expecting information from Island No. 10, but are as yet without anything different from last accounts.

Com. Foote was at work and using his flotilla to the best possible advantage, moving up mortars out of range of the enemy’s batteries or gunboats, and throwing shells into their fortifications, it is supposed with terrible effect.

The iron-clad gunboats had not yet been bro’t into action.  The mortar fleet had gained the proper range, and the accuracy of their fire exceeded all previous expectations.  There is nothing of special interest from the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers.

Transports loaded with troops continue to arrive here and depart for their proper destination.  Cairo is still excessively muddy and a considerable portion of the levee covered with water.

Much mortality is reported among the sick and wounded at Mound City.

The weather is clear, warm and spring-line – the river is swelling slowly.

St. Patrick’s day is being celebrated by the fire companies and civil authorities.

To-morrow we expect news of importance from the gunboat flotilla and the West Tennessee wing of the army.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 4

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