Showing posts with label 3rd US INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd US INF. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Brevet Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott to Brevet Colonel Harvey Brown, April 1, 1861

Washington, April 1, 1861.
U. S Army, Washington, D. C.:

SIR: You have been designated to take command of an expedition to re-enforce and hold Fort Pickens, in the harbor of Pensacola. You will proceed with the least possible delay to that place, and you will assume command of all the land forces of the United States within the limits of the State of Florida. You will proceed to New York, where steam transportation for four companies will be engaged, and, putting on board such supplies as you can ship, without delay proceed at once to your destination. The engineer company of Suppers and Miners; Brevet Major Hunt's Company M, Second Artillery; Captain Johns' Company C, Third Infantry, Captain Clitz's Company E, Third Infantry, will embark with you in the first steamer. Other troops and full supplies will be sent after you as soon as possible.

Captain Meigs will accompany you as engineer, and will remain with you until you are established in Fort Pickens, when he will return to resume his duties in this city. The other members of your staff will be Asst. Surg. John Campbell, medical staff; Capt. Rufus Ingalls, assistant quartermaster; Capt. Henry F. Clarke, assistant commissary of subsistence; Bvt. Capt. George L. Hartsuff, assistant adjutant-general; and First Lieut. George T. Balch, ordnance officer.

The object and destination of this expedition will be communicated to no one to whom it is not already known. The naval officers in the Gulf will be instructed to co-operate with you, and to afford every facility in their power for the accomplishment of the object of the expedition, which is the security of Fort Pickens against all attacks, foreign and domestic. Should a shot be fired at you, you will defend yourself and your expedition at whatever hazard, and, if needful for such defense, inflict upon the assailants all the damage in your power within the range of your guns.

Lieutenant-Colonel Keyes, military secretary, will be authorized to give all necessary orders, and to call upon the staff department for every requisite material and transportation, and other steamers will follow that on which you embark, to carry re-enforcements, supplies, and provisions for the garrison of Fort Pickens for six months. Captain Barry's battery will follow as soon as a vessel can be fitted for its transportation. Two or three foot companies will embark at the same time with the battery. All the companies will be filled up to the maximum standard, those to embark first from the recruits in the harbor of New York. The other companies will be filled, if practicable, with instructed soldiers.

You will make Fort Jefferson your main depot and base of operations. You will be careful not reduce too much the means of the fortresses in the Florida Reef, as they are deemed of greater importance than even Fort Pickens. The naval officers in the Gulf will be instructed to cooperate with you in every way, in order to insure the safety of Fort Pickens, Fort Jefferson, and Fort Taylor. You will freely communicate with them for this end, and will exhibit to them the authority of the President herewith.

The President directs that you be assigned to duty from this date according to your brevet rank in the Army.

With great confidence in your judgment, zeal, and intelligence, I remain, respectfully,


APRIL 2, 1861.

SOURCES: Robert Means Thompson & Richard Wainwright, Editors, Publications of the Naval Historical Society, Volume 9: Confidential Correspondence of Gustavus Vasa Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1865, Volume 1, p. 15; The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 1 (Serial No. 1), p. 365-6;

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3rd United States Infantry

In Texas till March, 1861. Companies "C" and "E" moved to New York March, 1861, and Companies "B," "D," "G," "H" and "K" to New York March 19-April 25, 1861. Companies "C" and "E" moved to Fort Pickens, Fla., arriving there April 16, 1861, and duty there till June, 1862. Action on Santa Rosa Island, Fla., October 9, 1861. Bombardment of Fort Pickens November 22-23. Fort Barrancas January 1, 1862. Fort Pickens May 9-12. Rejoined Regiment in Army Potomac June, 1862. Companies "A," "F" and "I" surrendered at Mattagorda Bay, Texas, April 26, 1861. Companies "F" and "I" Joined Regiment at Washington February, 1862. Companies "B," "D," "G," "H" and "K" moved from Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Harbor, to Washington, D. C., May 9, 1861, and duty there till March, 1862. Attached to Porter's Brigade, Hunter's Division, McDowell's Army of Northeast Virginia, to August, 1861. Porter's City Guard, Washington, D.C., to March, 1862. Sykes' Regular Infantry, Reserve Brigade, Army Potomac, to May, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Army Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1863. Dept. of the East, to October, 1864. Defences of Washington, D.C., 22nd Army Corps, to February, 1865. Headquarters Army Potomac, to May, 1865. Defences of Washington, 22nd Corps, to October, 1865.

SERVICE. – Advance on Manassas, Va., July 16-21, 1861. Battle of Bull Run July 21. Duty at Washington till March, 1862. Moved to the Virginia Peninsula March, 1862. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Battles of Mechanicsville June 26; Gaines' Mill June 27; Turkey Bridge June 30; Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison's Landing till August 16. Moved to Fortress Monroe, thence to Centreville August 16-28. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 28-September 2. Battles of Groveton August 29; Bull Run August 30. Maryland Campaign September 6-22. Battle of Antietam September 16-17. Shepherdstown Ford September 19-20. At Sharpsburg till October 29. Kearneysville and Shepherdstown October 16-17. Moved to Falmouth, Va., October 29-November 19. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Pursuit of Lee July 5-24. At New York City during draft disturbances August 21-September 14. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Ordered to New York December, 1863, and duty at Forts Richmond, Hamilton and Columbus, N.Y. Harbor, till October, 1864. Ordered to Washington, D.C., and duty there till February, 1865. Ordered to City Point, Va., and duty at Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, to May, 1865. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Moved to Washington, D.C., May, and duty there till October, 1865. Grand Review May 23.

Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 39 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 48 Enlisted men by disease. Total 89.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1710-1