
Monday, January 21, 2008

Letter from F. B. Johnson

We have been permitted to read a letter from F. B. Johnson, Co F. 6th reg., who tells us that the health of the 6th is very good, that all of Co. F. are well.

He says they have lately had cherries, mulberrise, strawberries &c in abundance though they are most gone now.

The 6th have been kept very buisy since they were mounted, not being in camp more than one fifth of the time. – The rest of the time they are scouting and confiscating Horses, Mules &c and generally have good times while on these expiditions.

He says while returning from one of those expeditions some two weeks ago with 600 Horses and Mules, news came that 3000 Rebels were after us, they not liking the way we were doing. Coming up they attacked our rear: we soon dismounted and formed in line of battle, while three or companies took the mules and horses along. The enemy formed in line of battle about a quarter of a mile from us and sent us a few shells. We returned the compliment from three pieces of Flying artillery. The fight lasted about half an hour, when the enemy discovering another one of our scouting parties coming in at the left of their rear, concluded it best to take the back track. We have had several other skirmishes of which I have not time to tell you now.

F. B. Johnson.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, 13 JUN 1863

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