A party of Paymasters with funds to replace those lost on the Steamer Ruth is making up to leave here next week, to pay Gen. Grant's army. They will leave here about Wednesday.
Three hundred Missourians captured at Vickburg, who have taken the oath of allegiance, are confined in the Gratiot Street Prison, awaiting orders from Washington.
- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, August 15, 1863
Three hundred Missourians captured at Vickburg, who have taken the oath of allegiance, are confined in the Gratiot Street Prison, awaiting orders from Washington.
- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, August 15, 1863
This was an untitled filler article without a dateline. A coupld of google searches later (Gratiot Street Prison & Steamer Ruth) I was able to deduce that the story came out of St. Louis.