
Monday, March 3, 2008

A Printer’s Devil and His Love.

A Printer’s devil was pierced in the heart
With the charms of a fair little Miss;
Said he to the lass, “My dear, ere we part,
Let us seal our love with a kiss,”

The maiden replied, as the lad she eyed,
“Do you think I’ll let you revel
Where otheres befor you have vainly tried?
No, No, I’ll not be kissed by the devil.”

Years rolled along, and the sweet little lass
Became an old sorrowful maid;
She lived all alone – was rich, but alas,
Her beauty had all decayed.

Once again they met, and the old maid tried
To recall her former issue;
But he gaily smiled, and only replied,
“No, the devil now wouldn’t kiss you!”

- Published in The Union Sentinel, December 5, 1863

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