
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuttle Won’t Run.

Ottumwa, Aug 10.

Editor Hawk-Eye. – Gen Guttle passed through Keokuk and up on the Railroad home.

He says he will not run on the Copperhead ticket for Governor or anything else.

He says he would rather run on a ticket nominiated by Southern rebels in arms, as they are more honorable men than my [Nort]hern Copperheads. He speaks of Cop[perhea]ds in worse terms than you and I can [ ]s to express. B.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, August 15, 1863

Note: The lower left hand portion of the article was torn away & I have placed brackets where the tear occurred. Inside the brackets I have finished words which are partially missing from the copy. Where I could not deduce a missing word or phrase I have used a space between the brackets.

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