
Friday, April 11, 2008

6th Iowa Infantry: Intelligence from Chattanooga

The 6th Iowa Inft. – Intelligence from this regiment, looked for with so much anxiety since the battle of Chattanooga, has at length come, to sadden the hearts of many of our citizens, while it robes others in weeds of mourning for those who have fought their last fight. Mr. Liberty Kennedy, son of J. R. Kennedy of Franklin township was killed; a brother, E. R. Kennedy was wounded. Capt. Minton, we are told was severely wounded in the arm; and with feeling of pain we add another to the list whom we have know in days past as a scholar and friend. Frederick B. Johnson, son of F. W. Johnson of Oceola is dangerously wounded. A ball entering the thigh came out near the knee, shattering the bone very badly. It is thought that if he recovers at all, amputation will be necessary. Poor fellow! With many others he has learned that fortune does not always smile upon the good and brave. In July last, he was taken prisoner, and after suffering several weeks in rebel prisons, was paroled, and a few weeks since exchanged – in time for this, we fear, to him fatal battle.

May it please that Being in who he trusts, to order it otherwise.

Thomas Barrows was also wounded, but slightly.

F. W. Johnson left for Chattanooga Yesterday.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 12, 1863

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