
Sunday, April 13, 2008

What This Blog Is About

Yesterday’s post of E. R. Kennedy’s heart breaking letter home to his parents marks the end of the articles I had copied from The Union Sentinel last December. I hope those of you who have taken the time to read the articles have enjoyed them. It will be another month or so before I make it back home to Iowa to visit with family and friends, and to copy more articles.

In the mean time, the temperature here in Murfreesboro is warming, the grass is at last green again and the leaves are out on the trees. There’s plenty of local history around Murfreesboro to blog about. As well as a few book and movie reviews. Additionally, I visited Shiloh yesterday (it was my 2nd visit), Franklin is just up the road, and Chattanooga and Chickamauga are but and hour and a half away. So there will be plenty to blog about over the summer.

I guess it’s time to say a little bit about what this blog is about. First, let me say, I am not a historian (but I can play one on TV if you’d like). I’m not even a Civil War expert, though Gregg, my partner, would disagree with me. Yes, I do know more about the Civil War than the average person you’d meet while walking down the street. I’m a Civil War enthusiast. And this blog, is nothing more than what its title states it to be. It’s my Civil War notebook. It is a place where I can jot down the hodge-podge of everything Civil War. Topics therefore are random, and as you can tell by The Union Sentinel articles, in no particular order.

I am flattered, that people have taken time to read what I have posted so far, and hope they will continue to read, and learn with me.

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