
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Senatorial Convention.

Proceedings of the Republican Senatorial Convention composed of the counties of Wayne, Lucas and Clark held at Chariton August 7th 1863:

The Convention was organized by electing Judge James Rice of Clark County president and H. W. Jay of Lucas county secretary. On motion of the chair appointed J. D. Wright of Lucas, A. H. Burrows of Clark, and E. W. Fullerton of Wayne, a committee on credentials. The committee reported the counties represented as follows:

Wayne. – Joshua Prugh, Greenwood Wright, David Prachin, H. W. Fullerton, Hugh [Conklin?], J. J. Chapman, John Herbut.

Lucas. - S. B. Chapman, Milton Keys, Wm. Swank, S. [Savacorl?], G. W. Hopkins, J. D. Wright, H. W. Jay.

Clark. – Reuben Johnson, B. Burrows, J. D. Newton, James Rice, A. H. Burrows, J. R. Kennedy, S. P. Glenn.

On motion, the Convention proceeded to ballot for Senator, with the following result:

J. D. Wright & A. H. Burrows, Tellers.

Z. Brown, 12; E. E. Edwards, 9.

Whole number of votes cast, 21; necessary to a choice, 11. Mr. Brown, of Clark Couty having received a majority, was declared the unanimous choice of the Convention.

On motion, a committee of three, consisting of S. B. Chapman, E. W. Fullerton and Capt. Glenn, were appointed to wait on Mr. Brown and inform him of the nomination. – In the evening Mr. Brown appeared before a very large audience at the Court House, and in a very able speech, accepted the nomination.

On motion the proceedings of the Convetion were ordered to be published in the Daily Hawk-Eye, Chariton Patriot and Oceola Union Sentinel.

On motion the Convention adjourned.

James Rice, Pres.

H. W. Jay, Sec.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, August 15, 1863

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