
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Flag for the sixth Iowa.

The notice in the Hawk-Eye of the 14th Inst., calling attention to the propriety of presenting the Sixth Iowa Infantry a National banner, suggests to the writer a few incidents that may not be uninteresting to your readers.

The regiment in question went into service from this place, without any provision for their usefulness or comfort having been made, further than such marks of respect or friendship as were tendered to the several companies by the respretive [sic] communities in which they were organized.

There were some five, or six companies in the regiment that had been presented with flags by their friends, but Company I from Des Moines county commanded by Capt. Brydolf was, I believe, never thus honored. When ascertained that a stand of colors could not be procured from the Government, Co. B. of Lucas county, tendered their flag to the regimental use – the other flags being sent by the respective companies to the donors for safe keeping, as orders prohibited the use of more than one flag in the organization.

The flag of Co. B was not a “regulation National color,” being smaller, and bearing on one of the stripes some words the exact report of which I forget. However if not [illegible] the men recognized it as the stars and stripes, and though not of proper dimensions or of the best material, would as willingly die in its defense.

This banner was borne through all the affairs in North, Central and South Missouri in which the command participated and [illegible] was completely riddled at the battle of Shiloh.

The young man who bore the flag during the two days fight at Shiloh, Sergeant Roberts, [illegible] was slightly wounded and the staff was shot away three times while in his hands. He finally carried it by the [illegible] and bore it through the entire conflict, in the language of his comrades, “without ever flinching.”

This flag, I believe was carried to Memphis and from thence sent to the Historical Society in Iowa City. At Memphis the regiment obtained the first stand of colors from the Government. Serg. Roberts was made Color Sergeant for his gallant conduct at Shiloh, and took charge of the national colors. That banner was borne through the celebrated Central Missouri campaign and all of the engagements in which the 6th Iowa participated in South Tennessee and North Mississippi, was carried through the Vicksburg and Jackson campaign, was furled on Lookout Mountain near McLemore Cove before the battle of Chattanooga, and has the honor of being the first flag planted on Mission Ridge in that celebrated battle, On the 25th of November during the assault on Tunnel Hill, it was literally shot into ribbons, and only by wrapping the remnants around its Staff could its identity as a flag be preserved.

The gallant Roberts, still Color Sergeant, was hit six times by ball and fragments of shell, and towards the end of the conflict was injured as to be compelled to relinquish his banner, and was borne to the rear. As soon as he recovered from the shock he left the hospital, returned to the Color Company in time to join in the pursuit of the enemy, carrying the remnants of his beloved banner through the entire chase, thence up to Knoxville, where the 6th went to aid in relieving Gen. Burnside.

In this connection it is eminently proper that mention should be made of the gallant Sergeant Edwards, who has carried the Regimental colors since the battle of Shiloh, with great credit to himself and honor to the command.

The Company from Burlington, Company I, commanded by Capt. Clune, is the Color Company, and will accept with great pride the National color at the hands of their friends at home.

Contributions for the purpose of raising a new flag for the above Regiment will be received at the Book Stores of J. L. Course and J. P. Brown.


- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 26, 1863

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