
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Memorable Sundays Of The War

Sunday is a memorable day in the events of this war. On Sunday, the 5th of May, 1861, President Lincoln’s twenty days notice expired; on Sunday the 21st of July, the battle of Manassas was fought; on Sunday, the 19th of January, 1862 was fought the battle of Mill Springs Ky., ending in the defeat and death of General Zollicoffer; on Sunday, the 16th of February, Fort Donelson was surrendered; on Sunday, the 23rd ult., the pickets of Gen. Buell’s army entered Edgefield, opposite Nashville; on Sunday the 2nd of March, Brunswick, Ga. was occupied by a portion of the Dupont expedition; on Sunday, March 9th, the battle between the Merrimac and the Monitor, in Hampton Roads; on Sunday March 23, the battle of Winchester; and on Sunday the 6th of April the Battle of Pittsburg Landing was commenced.

- Published in The Tri-Weekly News, Shelbyville, Tennessee, Volume 1 Number 1, April 19, 1862 and reprinted by The Blockade Runner.

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