
Monday, May 5, 2008

My Reading Log

I have kept a reading log since January of 2001. It is interesting to go back through it and see what I read, when I read it and how long it took me to read it. As you may no doubt be able to tell I definitely have a few favorite authors that I like to read: John Jakes, Janet Evonovich, Jeff Shaara. In the last couple of years I’ve read a lot more nonfiction.

In 2006 I read 26 books. In 2007 I finished off the year with 27, and my goal for 2008 is 28. However the year is nearly half over and I’m only in the middle of my 8th book. I need to crank it up a notch or two if I’m going to make my goal. Of course Janet Evanovich's new Stephanie Plum novel comes out next month, and I’ll have that cranked out in a couple of days… yes it’s a bit of cotton candy fluff, but it’s fun and I enjoy it! It gives me a break from my heavier nonfiction reading.

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