
Friday, June 6, 2008

The Cincinnati Times tells this good story:

The boarders at a certain boarding house in this city, being dissatisfied with the house, resolved the other day to desert in a body. – They accordingly looked up new quarters intending to leave on a certain day. The landlady, it appears, got wind of the intended stampede. On the morning of the day they were intending to leave (one of the number was deputize[d] to inform her of the movement, but had not yet,) she entered the breakfast room wearing a look of mingled pain and perplexity. Says she: “Gentlemen and Ladies, I regret very much to be compelled to ask you all to find another boarding place – this very day, if possible. – I have been so annoyed by help – my cook left me this morning. – that I have resolved to shut up shop.” The madam beat the boarders that time.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 26, 1863

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