
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln

Our President – 1864

Abraham Lincoln knows the ropes!
All our hopes
Center now about the brave and true.
Let’s us help him as we can;
He’s the man,
Honest for the country through and through.

Others good, perhaps, as he,
There may be;
Have we tried them in the war time’s flame?
Do we know if they will stand,
Heart in hand,
Seeking for the Right in heaven’s name?

Let the nation ask him then,
Once again,
To hold the rudder in the stormy sea,
Tell him that each sleepless night,
Dark to light,
Ushers in a morning for the Free.

Let us not forget our rude
But lend our servant the poor crown we may!
Give him four more years of toil,
Task and moil,
Knowing God shall crown him in has day!


Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, May 7, 1864

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