
Thursday, June 12, 2008

From the 6th Iowa

Bridgeport, Tenn., Dec 18, 1863.- Mr. Editor. – Sir. After traveling nearly three weeks I have arrived at this place where the camp of my company and regiment is. The regiment is out at Athens, on the Chattanooga and Knoxville railroad, but are expected to return soon. Our regiment has suffered a great deal from the long and hard marches they have made since coming to this place.

The health of the soldiers is generally good – we have plenty to eat here at this place and it will be but a very short time till the railroad bridge across the river here, will be finished and then there will be a better chance of getting supplies to Chattanooga, there are also three small boats being made here for the purpose of transporting provisions up the river.

Please send me your Weekly paper, as we have nothing to read down here, and accept the thanks of a soldier.

A. P. Lowery

[Hawk Eye.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, January 2, 1864

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