
Monday, June 16, 2008

Senator James W. Grimes to Dr. Clarke

Burlington [Iowa], August 12, 1863

Yours of the 10th inst. is recd ~ I do not know exactly what position in the Mississippi Squadron would suit your nephew that would be attainable. I advise you to write to Capt. Wells on the subject. I think he can find him a place where he can be most useful and at the same time be free from the irksome duties that fall to the lot of most men. I will be pleased to write him tomorrow & whenever it may be in my power. If he had had any experience on a boat or ship I do no doubt that I could secure him a yard position at once.

Your friend,
J. W. Grimes

[Pencil docketed on verso] Nephew of Dr. Clarke recommended for some position by Mr. Grimes & Capt Wells.

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