
Thursday, July 10, 2008

The 2nd Iowa to the President

Whereas, the President having complimented the services of the veteran soldiers by tendering them an increased bounty, which has secured their services for another term of enlistment, it devolves upon us to return the compliment by issuing the following Proclamation, to wit:

We, the veteran soldiers of Co. G, 2nd Iowa Infantry, in camp, do hereby proclaim and make known to Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, that in case he will re-enlist as a veteran President for the term of four years or during the war, he shall be entitled to sixty days furlough with free transportation to and from his home in Illinois; also he will be entitled to a bounty of twenty five thousand dollars and a suit of veteran uniform – bounty and uniform to be drawn, upon being mustered into the service on the 4th of March 1865. And further – In case the office is not filled by volunteering, we order a draft to be made upon the suffrages of the people on the second Tuesday in November next, to enforce the call and fill up the quota.

Veterans of Co. G
2nd Iowa Infantry

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, April 16, 1864

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