
Tuesday, July 8, 2008


At the residence of the bride’s father, January 31st, by Elder B. Polly, Mr. Daniel Glunt, to Miss Rebecca Barstow, all of Oceola township.

Now a word of advice to you, Mr. Glunt
To your “dear little wife” say naught that is blunt;
Let every note belong to a vow
Declaring how much you dote on your frow.

May the one you have taken so fondly to love,
Be ever as constant, as true as a dove,
Be never so careful her temper to screen,
Be placid and lovely as dumplings in cream.

Right here the machine refuses to grind any more for the want of a little oil to do away with the friction. We very much regret it, for we were never so full of rhyme before since the world began with us. With fifty cents worth of lubricator we could paint a lovelier picture than ever graced the palace of a king.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa February 6, 1864

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