
Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Good Time At Hopeville

We are informed that friend Newton, the P. M. at Hopeville, gave quite an extensive and expensive supper to the returned soldiers, and their friends, last week. About one hundred and twenty-four persons were present, who did justice to the turkeys, chickens, and other eatables beneath which the table “groaned,” and which they left with satisfied appetites, to “trip the light fantastic toe” at the Hotel kept by Mr. Pounds, where they had a little more room for the enjoyment of that pleasant exercise, and where they “danced all night till broad daylight and went home with the gals in the morning.” All Present had a fine time.

Success to Mr. Newton! He is the soldier’s friend, and we hope he may long live to enjoy the blessings of that land, and those institutions which the soldiers are fighting to protect.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, March 12, 1864

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