
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Letter from the Sixth Iowa

Altoona [sic], Ga., June 18th, 1864.

Mr. Caverly:–

I saw young Gregg, who lives near your place yesterday. He is in the Field Hospital, near this place. He is severely wounded, but not dangerously so. J. A. Johnson, of Co. B, 6thth Iowa, son C. R. Johnson of Hopeville, was slightly wounded on the 15th inst. No other of the Clark Co. boys hurt as I know of. I have not been with the Reg. for some time. I am on special duty in the Subsistence Department, though I hear from the boys occasionally.

I saw Adjt. King and the other boys of the 15th a few days ago. They were all well. I am now acting as commissary for Field hospital of the Army of the Tenn. at Altoona [sic] Ga., twenty miles from the “Front,” which is at Big Shanty on the Western Atlantic R. R. – More anon.

E. F. Alden

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 9, 1864

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