
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Veteran Reserves

An order has been issued from the Provost Marshal General’s office, at Washington, which states that the name of the organization authorized by the War Department as the Invalid Corps is changed to that of the Veteran Reserve Corps, and that all orders relating to the Invalid Corps will remain in force as at present with respect to the Veteran Reserve corps. This is a change of name which will no doubt be hailed with great pleasure by the gallant soldiers in this corps, and will greatly increase its present high and well deserved popularity. Three years of hard fighting have given our brave soldiers of the Union armies a just title to be called veterans, in the noblest and truest sense of the term. – We have now Veteran Volunteers and Veteran Reserves; nobly have they earned their name, and proudly will they protect the title and gloriously wear its honors. – [Phila. Inquirer

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, April 9, 1864

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