
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Attention Volunteers!

The undersigned desires to fill up his Regiment to the maximum number, and he earnestly calls upon all persons, especially in the Counties of Henry and Stark, who feel disposed to volunteer, to come forward and enroll their names at once.

The President has called for 300,000 additional troops to aid in putting down the rebellion. They are needed in the field at once, and must be furnished either by volunteers or by draft. With that number to swell their ranks, the hearts of our brave soldiers already in the field will be encouraged and strengthened. With that number the power of this wicked rebellion – already so much weakened – will soon be crushed out and destroyed. Every consideration of honor and patriotism demands that you respond promptly and cheerfully to the call of the President. The bounty now offered is liberal - $302 for new recruits and $402 for veteran volunteers. I would urge, therefore, all who can, not to hesitate, nor wait for the draft, but to enroll their names without delay.

The 112th Illinois has been in the service more than a year, and as a Regiment has a good reputation. The people of Henry and Stark Counties have a deep interest in its welfare and in its success. It is composed of their own sons, brethren, friends and neighbors – men who are worthy of the confidence of their friends at home. Will not every patriotic [man] help to fill up their ranks and give to them renewed hope and strength? I sincerely trust they will and that the Regiment may be filled up with the maximum number.

Volunteers can choose the Company they may wish to join; and can enroll their names at the office of James S. Henderson, Esq. Toulon, Illinois.

Thomas J. Henderson
Col. 112th Illinois
Toulon, Nov. 6, 1863

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, November 6, 1863

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