
Saturday, September 6, 2008

For our Sick and Wounded Soldiers

Last Sunday was the day set for the clergymen of the Northwest, without respect to sect or denomination, to invite, from their pulpits, the members of their churches and others to contribute to the aid of our sick and wounded soldiers, and take up collections for the Sanitary Commission.

The amount collected in the Congregational Church in this place, in all, we are informed by Rev. R. C. Dunn, was $27.

We have not been able to ascertain what amount was raised in the other churches on that day, but if they did proportionably [sic] well, Toulon will have done herself honor. But let us not stop at this. Our suffering soldiers call for assistance, and they must be relieved.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, January 22, 1863

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