
Monday, September 15, 2008

From Fortress Monroe

Baltimore, April 9. – The Old Point boat has arrived. She left Ft. Monroe about eight o’clock last night.

The Merrimac is confidently expected with seven other gunboats on the first favorable day.

Weather cold and foggy.

The latest news from Yorktown by telegraph, 8th, is that everything is progressing satisfactorily. A battle is not expected within a day or two.

The American’s special correspondence says: The storm which arose Monday afternoon and continued through to-day doubtless prevented the Merrimac coming out as she intended. She is now looked for confidently as soon as the weather permits.

A gentleman who was on board the steamer Rancorous when she went up with a flag of truce on Monday, says the Merrimac was then lying off Craney Island. The Yorktown, Jamestown, Teazer [sic] and four steam tugs, were in company with her – all under steam. No particular change in the appearance of the Merrimac was noticed.

It was the impression of those on board the Rancorous that the whole fleet were on their way down when the flag of truce appeared.

The storm must have been severely felt in the army now advancing up the Peninsula deprived as they were to a great extent of shelter and tents, and exposed to a constant watchfulness in the face of the foe. Their discipline, none too good before, will be brought to a poor condition and the public must not be impatient in expecting early results in this direction.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Thursday, April 10, 1862

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