
Monday, September 29, 2008

Letter from Lieut. Vanscoy

Camp 6th Iowa, Georgia,
June 29th, 1864.

Mr. Caverly:–

Sir: I send you a list of the killed and wounded of Cos. F and B, the casualties resulting from a charge made upon the enemy’s lines, at Kinesaw [sic] Mountain, on the 27th inst. Ours – the 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 15th A. C. – and two Brigades of the 2nd Division of the sam[e] Corps, conducted by M. S. Smith, made the assault but were not successful and had to fall back a short distance.

Of Co. F, Corporal Joseph Balan was wounded in the shoulder severely. Isaac B. Sharp, in side. F. Sechris, in arm, flesh wound. A. Stark lost one finger. Charles Wright, in side slightly.

Of Co. B, Jacob L. Miler was wounded in side slightly. Andrew J. Egbert, in arm, flesh wound. Wm. Monoham, in arm, Flesh wound. Newton J. Gordon killed, shot through the head and left on the field.

Out of about 200 men our Reg., who were in the charge, six were killed and fifty wounded, making an aggregate of 117 men killed and wounded in our little Reg., since we entered the Campaign, the 5th of May, 1864 at Chattanooga.

After my respects to Capt. C. Minton, I am, sir, very respectfully yours, &c.

Lieut. A. Vanscoy, 6th Iowa Vol. Inft., Commanding Co. F.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 16, 1864

Note: Some names were abreviated or misspelled, for searching & indexing purposes the correct names are here listed: Aaron Vanscoy, Joseph R. Ballon, Isaac B. Sharp, Fealix Sechris, Abram T. Stark (a.k.a. Abram S. Stark or Abraham S. Stark), Charles H. Wright, Jacob L. Miler, Andrew J. Egbert, William Monnahan & Newton J. Gordon

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