
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Army Correspondence

The following letter from Rev. S. H. Henderson, Captain of Co. A, 24th Iowa Infantry, was received by his brother, J. A. Henderson, Esq., of this place on Monday evening of this week. The letter was not intended for publication, but knowing that Mr. Henderson has many warm friends here, besides his relatives, who feel a deep interest in his welfare as well as that of all the brave boys of our army, and who are anxious to hear from that department especially, Mr. H. has kindly permitted us to publish the brief but comprehensive epistle.

Big Black River, Miss.,
12 Miles East of Vicksburg, May 20th, 1863

Dear Bro. James:– We had a sever battle on the 16th inst. I am alive and well – not hurt in the least. God has preserved me: I ascribe my good fortune to His kind Providence. The loss in my company was ten wounded, twenty killed, and two missing. The cannons are now at work on Vicksburg. God give us victory! The enemy is said to be in our rear. We are now inside of the first rebel breastworks, in the rear of Vicksburg. Pray for me.

Affectionately, your brother,
S. H. Henderson

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, June 4, 1863

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