
Monday, October 6, 2008

Fourth of July

If there ever was a time in our Country’s history when patriots ought to celebrate our National Independence, certainly we ought in these, our days of trial, in order to keep well in mind what our Fathers encountered in establishing the Government which we are struggling – not feebly – to save. Thus the year ’63 will take heart from ’76, and we shall press bravely on.

We are in favor of a celebration somewhere in the county, on the approaching Fourth – a County Celebration – a large, enthusiastic, magnificent old turn-out, such as will make its mark on the minds of all who attend.

We are not at all partial as to where such Celebration is held, in the County. Let any of our villages move soon, and vigorously – calling for co-operation throughout the County, before we become all divided up into little pick nicks, fishing parties and “side-shows,” and we can have such a Celebration as never was seen in this County. Who will move in the matter?

Toulon has had some kind of a Celebration, nearly every year, and both courtesy and policy would seem to dictate that we give our sister towns an opportunity to lead off. But wherever it is undertaken, let us have no half-way work about it.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, June, 4, 1863

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