
Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Fourth

Celebration at Wyoming

The Citizens of Wyoming are making extensive preparations of a county Celebration of the Fourth of July at that place – We expect to have had the proceedings of the Committee appointed for that purpose to publish in this issue, but by some means they have failed to arrive in time.

We understand the demonstration is to be got up on the pic-nick plan, with the usual reading of the Declaration of Independence, Orations, toasts, Music, &c.

The Committee of Arrangements consists of Messrs. Isaac Thomas, W. H. Butler, A. M. Pierce, G. M. Fox, H. A. Holst.

Marshall of the Day, Capt. Wm. B. Armstrong.

The ladies will have a provision and refreshment stand at which persons will be supplied with provisions, ice cream, &c., for a consideration in Cash the proceeds to be applied for the benefit of our Stark County sufferers in the army. There will be no occasion for private speculation in the refreshment line.

We hope everybody in the county will make calculations to go to Wyoming on the Fourth. We will give the programme next week.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, June 18, 1863

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