
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Letter from New Orleans

New York, Jan. 27.– The New Orleans Delta of the 16th contains the following:

A letter from Brock’s Bay of San. [sic] 15, says, I have just learned of the particulars of an affair of some importance which took place yesterday.

Early in the day Commodore Buchanan went up the Teche with the Calhoun until he came to the obstructions placed in the river by the rebels, at this pint unluckily they got aground.– Commodore Buchanan, however, it is said went forward some distance and was shot throug[h] the head, from one of the riflepits [sic] near by; a man named Whitehurst, belonging to the Calhoun, was killed at the same time, Col. Thomas of the 8th Vermont, hearing the firing ordered his regiment to charge the pit which resulted in the capture of 30 rebels and the dispersion of the rest. I have been told that 6 rebels were killed. I learn on good authority that the Captain of the rebel gunboat Tallieu was killed, it is also reported that the gunboat was captured.

The steamer Northern Light, from New Orleans 17th, has arrived, news anticipated by the Mary Boardman last evening.

Gen Banks has issued orders requiring the [r]ebels to support the poor, disposing of confisticated estates, &c; allowing produce to be sold in open market by well disposed persons, and requiring all registered enemies to take the oath of allegiance. Also that insult to soldiers will be punished.

It was reported at Key West 22nd, that the rebel pirate Oveito had escaped from Mobile and captured and burned a Boston Brig off Tortugas on the 17th.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, January 18, 1863

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