
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Letter from the Sixth

Altoona [sic], Georgia
June 28th, 1864

Mr. Caverly:–

Yesterday morning at eight o’clock our Brigade made an unsuccessful assault upon the enemy’s works. The loss in the 6th Iowa was fifty killed and wounded, Newton J. Gordon, Co. B, was killed. Mr. C. Fitch, Co. B, wounded slightly in arm. Jesse L. Adkins, Co. H, severely in arm. Jacob S. Miler, Co. B., in arm slightly. A. J. Egbert, Co. B, in shoulder severely. Sergt. O. C. Snyder, Co. H., in shoulder severely. Benj. Bixby, Co. H, Killed. Joseph Ballon, Co. F, Wounded – extent not known. Charles Wright, Co. F, in arm slightly. Lieut. Col. Barnhill, 40th Ill. Inf., Killed. Col. Walcott, 46th O. V. V. I. – commanding Brigade – wounded in arm. Lieut. Col Wright, 103d Ill. Inf. Wounded.

The loss in the brigade – five regiments – will amount to two hundred and fifty killed and wounded.

Although we were repulsed from the ground we had taken, we still hold a line in advance of our original position. – Some prisoners were captured, besides a good many wounded Rebels which fell into our hands. Gordon was killed while rescuing the flag of the 97th Ind., which had been left on the field. No braver or better boy ever lived. Mr. Gregg of Oceola, is here at the Hospital making arrangements to take his son home. His son is doing well and will perhaps start home in a few days. More anon.

Truly yours,
E. F. Alden

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 16, 1864

Note: Some names may have been misspelled or abreviated in the original article. For indexing & searching purposes the full names of all persons mentioned in the article are here listed: Edwin F. Alden, Newton J. Gordon, Ur C. Fitch, Jesse L. Adkins, Jacob L. Miler, Andrew J. Egbert, Orcinos C. Snyder, Benjamin Bixby, Joseph M. Ballon, Charles Wright, Rigdon S. Barnhill, George W. Wright, Charles C. Walcutt

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