
Saturday, October 25, 2008


Attention “Zouave Light Guards!” – You will meet at your Armory on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of each week for drill at 7 ½ o’clock until further orders.

John N. Bell, Capt.
Wm. Candy, O. S.


Attention Soldiers! – Wanted for the 19th Regiment Regular Infantry, 100 able bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 35 years, not less than 5 feet 3 inches high and of good moral character. The term of service for persons enlisting before January 1st, 1863 is three years. The soldier in the regular army is entitled to the same bounties as those in the volunteer service. Pay from $13 to $22 per month and one hundred dollars in addition if honorably discharged from service. The soldiers will be well clothed and cared for under my personal supervision, and all subsistence provided as soon as enlisted. This regiment is commanded by old army officers of experience, and the headquarter is at Indianapolis, Indiana. Recruiting rendezvous on corner of Jefferson and Third street, above Cook & Baxter’s bank, Burlington, Iowa, where all necessary information will be given.

John Rziha,
Capt. 19th Inf. U. S. A.
Recruiting Officer

Col. Rankin’s Regiment

The Governor of Iowa has authorized the undersigned to organize a Company for the above named Regiment. My head-quarters are in the City of Burlington Iowa, corner 3d and Jefferson streets, over cook & Baxter’s Bank.

Clark R. Weaver, Captain

Attention, Soldiers!

Wanted – 100 able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 35 years, for my own Company, in the 11th Infantry of the Regular Army of the United States, to serve for three years unless sooner discharged.

This Regiment is commanded by superior Regular Army officers of known ability and experience, and now encamped at Washington, D.C., where a school for the instruction and drill of soldiers has been opened.

Pay from $13 to $22 per month from time of enlistment, and $100 additional in cash, when honorably discharged from service.

The recruits will be clothed, and cared for, under my personal supervision, and all necessary subsistence and rations supplied as soon as enlisted.

Recruiting Rendezvous on the corner of Jefferson and Main streets over the Branch of the State Bank, Burlington, Iowa where all required information can be given.

T. W. Newman,
Captain, 11th U. S. Infantry,
Recruiting Officer

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, April 9 & 12, 1862

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