
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stark County Agricultural Society

The Board of Managers of the Stark County Agricultural Society met at the Court house in Toulon, pursuant to call of the President.

Present, James Holgate, President; Wm. H. Butler, Secretary; O. Whitaker, Treasurer; Jas. M. Thomas & Geo. W. [illegible], members of the executive board.

The business before the Board, as announced by the President, being the appointment of Delegates from the Stark County Agricultural Society to the National Canal Convention to be held at Chicago on Tuesday the 2d day of June, 1863.

On motion, The following Delegates were appointed, James M. Thomas, Benjamin Turner and Aaron Schnuck.

On motion, Delegates are empowered to select substitutes should they not be able to attend.

On motion, it is recommended to the next meeting of the Board of Managers that a reasonable sum be paid out of the treasury of the Society to defray the expenses of the Delegates.

On motion, Proceedings of this meeting ordered Published in the Stark County News.

Adjourned to meet at the Court house on the 15th of August, next, at 10 o’clock, a.m.

James Holgate, President
Wm. H. Butler, Sec’y
Toulon, May 30, 1863

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, June 4, 1863

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