
Thursday, October 23, 2008

{Times’ Dispatch}

The President sent a message to the Senate to day concerning a treaty recently agreed upon by Lord Lyons and Mr. Seward, and the correspondence relating to the African salve trade. The President without expressing any opinion on the subject, transmits the papers to the Senate for its ratification or rejection. If ratified the Government of Great Britain will then pass upon the subject. If the treaty as now drawn up by the ministers of the two governments is finally agreed upon and becomes a law it is believed that by a thorough compliance with its provisions the slave trade will cease to exist in less than ten years. Washington, April 10.– Up to 4 o’clock this p.m., the Government had received no official dispatches confirmatory to the occupation of Corinth by our troops. – Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, April 12, 1862

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