
Sunday, November 9, 2008

For The Year 1863

The Chicago Evening Journal
Daily, Weekly & Tri-Weekly

The year now closing has been one of unprecedented succes [sic] for the Journal. Its circulation has doubled, and doubled again, and is still increasing at a rate that encourages us in the anticipation that it will double for the third time before the year ends.

We attribute this increasing prosperity to the fact that we have neglected no means or opportunity to make The Journal a wide awake newspaper, and an honest, straight forward advocate of every right cause. We have spared and shall spare no expense or, effort to make it

The Leading NEWSPAPER of the Northwest.

And as in regards to questions of the War and of Public Policy, we aim to do justice, and promote the best interest of the people, and of our imperiled Union. We have no enemies to punish while this war lasts, except those who are the enemies of the country. We shall stand by our soldiers in the field faithfully, representing their cause while they are fighting for a cause that is ours and yours as well as theirs.

As we said a year ago, so now repeat: we believe that the rights of all loyal men, everywhere, should be protected, and that traitors, everywhere, should be destroyed from off the face of the earth, and all their property confiscated to the Government which they are seeking to overthrow.

In the Commercial, Local, and News Departments of The Journal, we will not permit ourselves to be surpassed by any newspaper in the West – and in every respect we shall continue to make it a reliable public journal, representing the best interest of the people, and devoted heart and soul, to the cause of Justice, Humanity, and the Nation.


Daily 1 year: $9.00
Daily 6 Months: $5.00
Daily 3 Months: $2.50
Tri-Weekly 1 yr.: $5.00

Single Copy: $2.00
Four copies: $7.00
Ten Copies: $15.00
Twenty copies: $30.00
And one copy to the Gether up of a Club of 20.

Papers to Clubs made up in one package and sent to one address.

All subscriptions payable in advance.

JOHN L. WILSON, Publisher

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, March 12, 1863

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