
Friday, November 14, 2008

From New Orleans

New York, April 27. – The steamer Blackstone, from New Orleans 18th, and Key West 23d, has arrived.

The [steamer] Circassian, at New Orleans from Galveston, brought a number of prisoners recently captured by our blockaders off Sabine Pass; among them Com. Fowler, who commanded the steamer which captured the Northern Light and Victory.

On the 14th an expedition form General Doubleday’s brigade had crossed the point of land opposite Port Hudson, and communicated with Admiral Farragut. The latter’s secretary accompanied the expedition. They found the Admiral in good spirits, and believing the enemy had but four days supplies at Port Hudson.

The ram Switzerland in company with the Hartford and Albatross is blockading Red River, and the movement of Banks towards the same point will tend materially to cut of rebel supplies from Texas and West Louisiana.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, May 2, 1863

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