
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Goshen Township Farmer’s Union

Minutes of Meeting.

The third regular meeting of the Goshen Township Farmer’s Union was held on Friday evening March 6th. Jacob Fall was called to the chair, and Wm. Nowlan elected Sec’y. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. A committee of three, J. H. Quinn, Wm., Pate and Jas. Nowlan, was appointed to prepare a programme of business for the evening.

While the committee were out quite a number of names were signed to the Constitution.

Committee reported, report accepted and Committee discharged.

Proceeded to ballot for officers resulting in the election of Jacob Fall Pres., H. J. Barnett 1st Vice Pres., J. H. Smith 2d Vice Pres., Jas. Nowlan Rec. Sec’y and Treas, Jas. Frail Asst. Rec. Sec’y, and Wm. Nowlan Corresponding Sec’y.

Moved and carried that we tender a vote of thanks to the Editor of the Stark Co. News, for his kindness and courtesy in publishing the proceedings of our meetings.

Moved and carried that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet at the school house in Dist. No. 7, known as Independence Hall, two weeks from this evening at 7 o’clock.

Moved and carried that a general invitation be extended to all to attend the meetings of this society, especially the ladies.

A committee of the three, H. J. Barnett, Jas. Nowlan, and J. H. Quinn, was appointed to investigate the comparative product of the wheat, the soil preparation of the ground, time and mode of harvesting, ravages of and what kinds of insects may be found in the wheat fields of this Township.

Moved and carried that the following subjects be discussed at the next meeting: best manner of putting in wheat, whether with drill or otherwise, kinds of, and mode of preparing ground, harvesting, &c., and best combined Reaper to use in harvesting same.

John Nowlan was appointed to read an essay on farming at the next meeting.

Moved and carried that the proceedings of this meeting be furnished to the Stark Co. News for publication.


Jas. Nowlan, Sec’y
Jacob Fall, President

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, March 12, 1863

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