
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Goshen Township Farmer’s Union


The second regular meeting of the Goshen Township Farmer’s Union was held Friday evening Feb. 20th pursuant to adjournment. Jacob Fall was called to the chair and Wm. Nowlan elected Sec’y. Minutes of previous meeting read and accepted.

The committee on constitution reported two drafts of constitutions together with the proposed constitution for Township Leagues, adopted by the State society at Otawa.

Report accepted and committee discharged.

The society then proceeded to the adoption of a constitution; the articles were taken up separately, discussed and adopted.

On account of extremely unfavorable weather and the consequent small attendance, it was decided to postpone the election of officers till the next meeting. Moved and carried that when we adjourn, we adjourn to meet here (school house, dist. No. 8,) two weeks from this evening at 7 o’clock. Moved and carried that the proceeding of this meeting will be furnished the STARK CO. NEWS for publication. Adjourned.

Wm. Nowlan, Secretary
JACOB FALL, Chairman

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, February 26, 1863

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