
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Ninth Annual Fair of the Stark Co. Agricultural Society

Will be held at Toulon on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, September 22, 23 & 24, 1863.

The Admission Fees will be as follows:
Membership Tickets, admit holder and family (all under 21 years of age) during the Fair - $1.00
Tickets for one entrance only - .23
Double carriage or wagon Tickets, (exclusive of occupants) - .50
Single carriage Tickets, (exclusive of occupants) - .25
Horse Tickets, (exclusive of rider) - .25

The Board of Managers have completed arrangements for making this one of the most attractive Fairs ever held by the Society. The list of Premiums offered embraces nearly everything know in Agriculture and the Mechanic arts, and considering the present condition of our country, the Prizes are more liberal than those of any previous Fair of the Society. Competition is invited, and it is hoped that every citizen of Stark County who has anything that will add interest to the Fair will contribute his mite by bringing the same in for exhibition.

Good Music will be secured to enliven the occasion. The Seats, formerly owned by individuals and rented, are now the property of the Society, and will be free for the accommodation of all. Nothing will be omitted that will tend to make the occasion pleasant and agreeable for all who attend, and it is the determination, if possible, to make this the best Fair ever held in the County.

Every man, Woman, and child, is invited. Come to to [sic] the Fair.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, September 3, 1863

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