
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obituary: Miss Jane Miller

Miss Jane Miller, daughter of Eld, T. Miller of Osceola, Aged 21 years and 11 months in obedience to the call of her Master, departed this life Thursday the 21st of this month.

While this dispensation of Providence is gain to the departed, it sends sorrow and mourning to the family and a large circle of relatives and friends. Society also shares in this loss for Miss Miller was a pattern, well calculated, to lead her associates in paths of virtue and happiness. – Perhaps, however, none will more keenly feel this stroke than the church, of which she was a worthy member, and especially when it is sitting under the droppings of the sanctuary and sees her seat forever left vacant. But while the church mourns, it has also great reason to rejoice that the religion which comforted her in life, was a great solace to her in death, and that she is now sweetly sleeping in Jesus. Jennie in early life obeyed the spirit’s call, and gave her heart to God and has since been a consistent member of the Missionary Baptist Church. On her dying bed she rejoiced to know that she would soon “depart and be with Christ’ which she thought would be far better.”

Never shall I forget that death bed scene. As I approached her, her face seemed to reflect the glory of heaven; she reached out her hand and said, “Meet me in the better land,” said she, “This is a beautiful day to die.” She told me that death had no terror, and it was the happiest day of her life. Thus died the obedient daughter, the loveing [sic] sister, faithful friend and devoted christian. “Oh, let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like theirs.”

A. A. Mintonye

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, May 30, 1863

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