Burlington, September 26th, 1864
The Ladies’ Union Aid Society of Burlington, commenced their labors for our Soldiers at the outbreak of the Rebellion, when they came together with busy hands and made clothing for Companies D. and E. of the Iowa First. From that day to the present, they have given unintermitted [sic] attention to the care and comfort of our sick and wounded, have sent forward hundreds of boxes of sanitary stores for their relief, and disbursed many thousand dollars. They have co-operated with the Western Sanitary Commission at St. Louis, with the United States Commission, with the Christian Commission and with the Sanitary Agents of our own State, and will continue to employ the same channels for the disbursement of funds and stores.
The Exhibition of the State Agricultural Society in this city in the month of September which will bring many thousand together, has suggested the duty of improving that occasion for one grand and general effort by the people of Southern Iowa in the cause of patriotism and humanity. It is therefore proposed to hold a Fair for the relief of our Soldiers, in the City of Burlington, during the week of the State Agricultural Exhibition. The Fair will be opened on Monday, September 26th, and will continue through the week until Saturday, the 1st of October. The Officers named below, with an executive committee have been appointed to make all the necessary arrangements.
In carrying forward this enterprise, we appeal with confidence, to the people of Southern Iowa, and to our fellow citizens throughout the United States, for their zealous and generous cooperation. Our immediate field is the Southern half of Iowa. But our Iowa Soldiers are fighting the battles of the Nation, and we appeal to every part of the Union for contributions and help.
In behalf of Ladies’ Union Aid Society.
Mrs. C. B. Darwin, President
Mrs. J. L. Brown, Secretary
Burlington, Iowa, June 17th, 1864
1. Contributions of every kind and sort are solicited. All products of Industry, from farms and garden, and shop and house may be disposed of, and may be made to carry relief to the sick and wounded soldiers.
2. Let every county in Southern Iowa, and every town and village and neighborhood be represented by one or more stands in this patriotic Festival.
3. Soldiers Aid Societies, Loyal Leagues, Churches, Schools, Benevolent Associations and other organizations, are invited to furnish stands or tables and will have every facility for exhi[bits] [missing text].
Those desiring to accept this invitation, are requested to give early notice to the Corresponding Secretary.
4. Donors are requested to affix to each article its estimated value.
5. Owners of articles forwarded to the Agricultural Exhibition, are solicited to make donations of them to the Soldiers Fair. Where practicable, such articles will be forwarded to our soldiers. In other cases the proceeds will be appropriated for their benefit.
6. No raffling or lottery will be allowed.
7. All contributions will be suitably acknowledged. A record and history of the fair will be published.
8. All goods and packages should be distinctly marked with the name of the donor, and the place from which sent, and directed to “John G. Foote, Burlington, Iowa, for Southern Iowa Soldiers’ Fair.” Notice of the shipment should at the same time be sent by mail to the Corresponding Secretary.
9. Donations of money are solicited, and should be sent by mail to the Treasurer.
– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 16, 1864
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