
Friday, December 12, 2008

Attention Soldiers

At a meeting of the citizens of Oceola and vicinity held at the Court House on Tuesday evening, April 5, 1864, Hon. James Rice was called to the chair, and N. M. Ridgway was appointed Secretary.

The object of the meeting being stated by the President, viz: that as a token of respect and kind regard for the returned veteran, wounded and sick soldiers among us, we desire to give them a free dinner of welcome. On motion it was resolved that we give them a dinner on Thursday the 14th of April.

On motion three persons were appointed to select the grounds, - Committee, G. L. Christy, M. Purvis and H. W. Beckett.

On motion it was decided that we have a Basket Dinner, and each family in the county be invited and requested to contribute and bring with them what they may feel able in “Provisions.”

On motion a committee of five were appointed to erect the tables and fixtures, - Committee, N. McGrew, H. W. Warfel, J. Rhea, S. A. Johnson W. G. Kennedy. On motion the names of John W. Webster, E. Buckingham, and Samuel Webster were added to procure and haul the material out of which to erect the tables.

On motion a table committee was appointed consisting of ten, five of whom were ladies, - Committee, C. Jeffries, D. Bartlett, Col. Dare, H. W. Beckett, D. D. Wilson, Mrs. Capt. Duncan, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. J. Rice, Mrs. J. Rhea, Mrs. G. W. Howe. On motion that this committee be increased to twenty, and that they call to aid them five gentleman and five ladies.

On Motion that Rev. E. M. H. Flemming be requested to deliver an address suited to the occasion – “moved” that M. Purvis James Polly and I. Watson be a committee to procure speakers in case of Rev. Flemming should be absent. On motion the soldiers, their wives and children, and “Sweethearts,” are cordially invited; and expected to dine at the first table.

Turn out friends of the soldiers, and bring your quotas of provision and we will all throw them together and eat drink and make merry one day.

On motion F. W. Johnson was appointed Marshall of the Day.

On motion A. H. Burrows, Col. Dare, and H. W. Beckett were appointed a committee to get up a programme for the day.

On motion the Editor of the Union Sentinel be requested to publish, in his next issue, the proceedings of this meeting.

On motion the meeting adjourned.

J. RICE, Pres.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, April 9, 1864

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