
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Dedication of the M. E. Church . . .

. . . in our village sabbath last, was not only very well attended, but attended by a very liberal audience. The discourse preached on the occasion by the Rev. Mr. Winans, was very able and interesting and was attentively listened to.

At the conclusion of his discourse, Mr. Wilson stated to the audience, that the building cost about $5,000, that the society was then in debt for some $1,700; that parties whom $900 of this was due, agreed to donate their claims, if the audience would raise the remaining eight hundred. The collection, and subscription that followed this announcement exceeded the amount required – by how much we are not informed.

The liberality displayed on the occasion is worthy of the highest praise. To erect edifices for worship, and education speaks well for the religious and moral sentiments of the country. Give us a good school building next.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 16, 1864

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