
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Indianapolis, April 20 [1863]

A Union meeting in Brown county, Ind., was broken up on Saturday, by a party of the Knights of the Golden Circle, under the leadership of Lewis Prosser, ex-member of the Legislature.

Prosser and a man named Snyder came armed with rifles and revolvers, and threatened to shoot two sergeants there for arresting soldiers. Sergeant Daniels took Prosser’s gun from him, when the latter drew a pistol and shot Daniels dead. Prosser in turn was shot and severely wounded by Capt. Cummings, who was addressing the meeting. Snyder also fired at the other Sergeant but missed him. He has been arrested and brought here.

A sufficient force has been sent to arrest all the parties concerned.

Another difficulty occurred at Danville Indiana, on Saturday, between a party of the Knights of the Golden Circle and Union men in which five persons were wounded, one mortally.

The General commanding has issued orders, declaring the K.G.C.’s to be public enemies, and to be dealt with as such. He also cautions people against the use of butternut and copperhead badges.

Strout, the deserter, who killed an officer while attempting his arrest, will be tried by court-martial this week.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday, April 23, 1863

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