
Sunday, December 7, 2008

It will be seen by the letters published to-day . . .

. . . that there were some Iowa troops in the Pittsburgh battle – several – that they did some hard fighting. We print a full and reliable list of casualties in the 7th Iowa and another list of wounded from the regiments, who have arrived at St. Louis. Our readers will not fail to read the account of the battle by our correspondent. A perusal of the letters which we print this morning with the accounts of the battle given by other correspondents who were present, will convince the reader that there was a lack of discipline and Generalship in Grant’s army which lost us many valuable lives and came very near losing a very important battle.


We are glad to find out that our loss at the great battle is not so large as apprehended. Two of our correspondents have turned up safe, as will be seen by the letters published to-day, and another has been heard from.

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Friday, April 18, 1862

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