
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Company I, Sixth Iowa

Camp of the 6th Iowa Reg’t
near Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn.
April 8, 1862

Editor Hawk-Eye: - The following is a list of killed and wounded of Company I, in the battle of the 6th and 7th:

Killed. – Privates – Archibald Conner, George W. Clark, C. C. Philbrook, David Key, Augustus Johnson, Louis Owens.

Wounded. – Capt. Fabrian Brydolf, in the neck and right arm, (I learn today that his arm has been amputated,) Lieut. Halliday, to the right thigh, dangerous, John Harpman, right arm, H. H. Herron, two ribs broken, very dangerous, Wm. P. Patterson, right arm, slight, Frank Hamilton, right shoulder, slight, Wm. Baker, right shoulder, slight, Albert Wentworth, right breast, dangerous, Chas. Jericho, both hands, Henry Milligan, right arm.

Jasper H. Munroe, musician, taken prisoner.

The 6th was under the most galling fire for about five hours on the 6th, and did themselves great credit. The killed of the Regiment are about seventy-five, and wounded about two hundred.

Gen. Beauregard is reported wounded and Gen. Johnson [sic] killed. Gen. Breckinridge is reported killed, also Gen. Johnson. Gens. Polk, Hardee and Pillow were here. The loss on both sides is terrible. Prisoners say this is the last stand that will be made, as they brought to bear all the forces they could get together.

Capt. Brydolf was wounded while cheering his men on under the fire of three rebel regiments. Lieut. Halliday was wounded early in the engagement.

At last report the enemy were perfectly panic-stricken, fleeing towards Corinth, throwing everything away that would impede their flight, with Gen. Buell in hot pursuit.

The 8th and 12th and 14th are nearly all taken prisoners. Capts. Williams and Glenn are wounded. Lieut. Grimes, wounded slight.

The enemy’s force is variously reported to have been for 120,000 to 175,000.


– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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