
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Departure of Gen. Halleck and Staff

Gen. Halleck, accompanied by his Staff, left St. Louis, yesterday afternoon at half past five o’clock, on the steamer Continental. The Continental will go directly to [Pittsburg] Landing on the Tennessee river. The following is a list of Gen. Halleck’s Staff:

Brigadier General Cullum, Chief of Staf and Engineers.
Captain N. H. McLean, Assistant Adjutant General.
Brigadier Gen. Smith, Chief of Cavalry.
Colonel Cutts, Chief of Topographical Engineers.
Colonel Callender, Chief of Ordnance.
General DuBois, Chief of Artillery.
Colonel McKibbin, Aid-de-Camp and Judge Advocate.
Major Key, Aid-de-Camp.
Captain Smith, Aid-de-Camp.
Assistant Surgeon, Peter V. Schenck.
Lieutenant Price, Aid-de-Camp.
Lieutenant Throckmorton, Aid-de-Camp.
Mr. Weir, Military Telegrapher.

After the General and Staff were aboard the boat, a beautiful flag was presented to Captain Foster, commanding the escort of the Maj. General [Commanding], by Messrs. Ubsdell and Peirson, of this city.

The presentation speech was made by Colonel Leighton, of Keokuk, and was very happily delivered.

Major General Halleck responded in a few appropriate remarks. – {Evening News.

– Published in the Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 19, 1862

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