
Monday, January 12, 2009

From Gen. Grant

Murfreesboro Tenn., May 17

The Chattanooga Rebel of the 16th has just been received. It contains the following:

MOBILE, May 14 – Jackson is occupied by the enemy. We fought them all Day but could not hold the city.

The Memphis Bulletin says, through secession sources, it learns that on the 11th Gen. Grant’s advance was at Raymond, ten miles south of the line of Railroad, and twenty-five west of Jackson. This is all that has reached us.

MEMPHIS, May 11th, via Cairo. May 17 – Parties from Little Rock, direct, report that Kirby Smith and Dick Taylor had lately fought Banks near Alexandria, La. No particulars are given.

Reports have reach the city from Arkansas, that Marmeduke, last Saturday or Sunday, had a fight with a Federal force on Crowley’s Ridge, Near the St. Francis River, 40 miles west of Memphis. Rebel reports claim a victory for Marmeduke.

FORTRESS MONROE, May 16 – The Richmond Enquirer, of yesterday, says, “fighting is going on in Mississippi. The enemy, yesterday, advanced 12,000 strong upon Raymond, where Gen. Gregg had 4,100 infantry and a few cavalry. Skirmishing Commenced at 9 o’clock in the morning. The enemy was continually reinforced till 1 o’clock, P.M. when we opened the battle heavily with musketry. Knowing that the enemy was heavily reinforced, and ready to engage us with their full force, we retired to Mississippi Springs, where we have reinforcements. Col. [McGavock], of the 10th Tennessee is killed. The firing today was heavy and continuous, toward Jackson.” The Richmond Sentinel, of the 13 had a dispatch dated Jackson, Miss., May 12, giving substantially the same account of the fighting and rebel retreat as above.

WASHINGTON, May 16 – The dispatch received by the President, from Gen. Grant, under date of the 8th inst., states that he was then within 15 miles of the Southern Miss. Railroad – the last means of escape left the rebel Forces at Vicksburg.

The telegraph announces that Gen. Burnside’s General Order recites the proceedings of the Vallandigham court martial, the find of which is a sentence to close imprisonment during the war, in some fortress to be selected by the commander of the department. – The order names Fort Warren as the place of confinement.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, May 27, 1863

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