
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

J. M. Allen, of Henry county . . .

. . . has been appointed Provost Marshall for this (5th) District, under the late enrollment act. Richard a. Yoe, Commissioner, and Dr. Thomas Hall of this place, Surgeon. We have no acquaintance with the two first named gentlemen, but if they are as well qualified for the positions to which they are appointed as Dr. Hall is, we shall have no occasion for complaint on that score.

It is reported that the rebels have evacuated Vicksburg.

SOME PORK – Some time in March, Mr. A. Chamberlain of West Jersey, killed a pig 17 months old which weighted five hundred pounds, when dressed. We call that a good sized shoat, and doubt if it can me matched in this section, by anything of the same age. If there is anything to beat it, we should like to hear of it.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Wednesday, May 27, 1863

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