
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lauman’s Brigade at the Battle of Pittsburgh

Fairfield, Iowa, April, 16, 1862

Editor Hawk-Eye:

Privates John C. Duncan and Reuben Coop, of Company E, Second Regiment, arrived here yesterday evening, and from them I learn some particulars in regard to the part taken in the battle by Lauman’s Brigade, which I hasten to communicate to you, as Iowa Regiments appear to have been almost entirely left out of the reports to the papers. As I did not have long to talk with the boys, I did not learn much, but what few facts I have to communicate will doubtless prove of interest to those who have friends in General Lauman’s Brigade.

The Brigade, consisting of the 2d, 7th, 12th, and 14th Iowa Regiments, supported a battery on the extreme right of our line of defense, and were engaged from 8 o’clock a. m., till 4 p. m., Sunday, exposed to the fire of the enemy during the whole time. Many were killed and many wounded, but I have only been able to learn the names of a few of the 2d regiment. They are as follows:

Captain R. M. Littler, company B, wounded; Capt. H. P. Cox, company I, shot through the hips; Capt. Abe Wilkin, company F, wounded; Capt. Sam’l A. Moore, company G, wounded in both legs.

COMPANY E. – Lieut. David B. Wilson, slightly wounded; Orderly Sergeant Amos H. Wimer and Privates Elijah Newby and John C. Hoverstick, killed; Sergeant A. Millen, struck by a falling limb; Corporal Dan. W. Brown, wounded in the foot; Corp’l Thos. L. Stallcup, wounded in the shoulder; Privates Theodore F. Boggs, John C. Duncan, Reuben Coop and Charles J. Reed, slightly wounded.

Corporal B. R. St. John, of Company G, and Private Thomas Curran, of company H, are severely wounded.

The boys report that the Brigade behaved with great bravery, but at 4 p. m., they were pressed so hard by the enemy that they were compelled to retreat, which they did in “good order.” The 12th and 14th regiments were subsequently taken by the enemy, but by what process the boys did not know.

Full particulars will doubtless reach you soon from your correspondents in the 2d regiment – perhaps before you get this.

W. S. Moore

– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Thursday, April 17, 1862

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